Book Description


This book ‘Yottabyte’, a series of 6 to 8, has been compiled using Windows 7 and MS-office 2007. This book contains a Flashback section put in those chapters where the author feels that without the knowledge of the previous chapter study of the current chapter is hindered. In the end of each chapter there is Summary, there is also Wonder Chart supplied in those chapters where the representation of the chapter can be done in chart form. At the end of each chapter is followed by two sections, Section A and Section B-Section A is based on short questions and Section B is based on long questions. Others features are ‘Project Work’ and ‘Everyday Exercise’ which helps the child to relate with the topic with day-to-day life by finding relevant information in newspapers and keeping a record of the same. Annual Exam Paper to check the preparation of the child in Annual exam. Answer book is especially prepares for the teachers.

Price : 340.00

ISBN: 978-93-86022-37-0

Author : Harsh Puri